
My name is Fernando Souto and I am a solution architect at DEUS .

About me

BIO | Founder of appeiros now in DEUS. I help in the organization of the GDGCoruna and buy pizzas at Informáticos Anónimos.

Some thoughts

Follow my RSS posts from my blog

My skills

As a craftmanship sowftware developer I can do this.

  • Create and collaborte with communities
  • Code clean software
  • Deliver value
  • Help the team
  • Have always fun
  • Have a coffee

I am a doer I love trying always new things, experimenting opportunities and helping others. My vital mantra is a famous sentence from a master:

"do it or don't do it but don't try"

Other things about me

Outside my job I like to travel, listen to music, go to concerts but also help in a non-profit radio station called CUAC FM. I also love to help other people to share experiencies and knowledge from their companies with the community.

Community and conferences

I usually attend conferences and also sometimes I am the speaker. I like to help community in our monthly event called Informaticos Anónimos


I spend my free time helping in a non-profit radio station called CUAC FM. Its a community media station where all people can do its own radio show. In the station there are tons of things to do on tech. When I have time I also like to check new technologies like Flutter or play a bit with the 3D printer.


I love having fun everyday. With my friends, my coworkers or my family. Fun, fun, fun!! I think fun is the engine for everything. It balances the world.

Where to find me?

My social information Feel free to contact me.

As you can see I am always having fun at the office. This is an example, when I made a Jurassic Park with the 3D printer :)