My name is Fernando Souto and I am a Solution and AI architect at DEUS. As you can see I am always having fun at the office. This is an example, when I made a Jurassic Park with the 3D printer :)
My skills
As a craftmanship sowftware developer I can do this
- Create and collaborte with communities
- Deliver value
- Have always fun
- Code clean software
- Help the team
- Have a coffee
About me
I am a doer I love trying always new things, experimenting opportunities and helping others. My vital mantra is a famous sentence from a master:
- Help in a non-profit radio station called CUAC FM
- Help other people to share experiencies and knowledge from their companies with the community
- I love having fun everyday.
Community and conferences
I usually attend conferences and also sometimes I am the speaker. I like to help community in our monthly event called Informaticos Anónimos
Life Mantras
I am a doer I love trying always new things, experimenting opportunities and helping others. My vital mantra is a famous sentence from a master: